What is PRVN?


        The creation of the Pacific Rim Vetiver Network (PRVN) was the result of a proposal made by the Vetiver Network (TVN) coordinator Richard G. Grimshaw at the First International Conference on Vetiver (ICV-1) held in Chiang Rai, Thailand, on 4-8 February 1966. Mr. Grimshaw suggested that Thailand act as the core of PRVN since she is the site of the world's largest vetiver project, known as the Doi Tung Development Project, under the supervision of the Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB), the organizer of ICV-1.
        ORDPB submitted the proposal to His Majesty the King, a keen supporter of the use of vetiver grass, in order to obtain his comments and approval. His Majesty agreed with the proposal and commissioned the setting up of PRVN under the supervision of the Committee on the Development and Promotion for the use of Vetiver Grass (CODPUV) at His Majesty's Initiative, to be administered by ORDPB.


        The main objective of PRVN is to serve the countries of the Pacific Rim as the centre to collect, compile and disseminate information on the Vetiver System (VS) in the form of a newsletter, occasional technical bulletins and other publications, and a website. The secondary objective is to assist the member countries in training, attending study tours and obtaining plant materials, as requested and when necessary.


       Country Members: Twenty countries situated in the Pacific Rim are automatically entitled to become members of PRVN. These are, in alphabetical order, Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, the Cook Islands, China, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Thailand, Tonga, Vanuatu and Vietnam. They are grouped under the following three categories:

    4 Countries  with a national network and national coordinator
            China: China Vetiver Network (CHVN) - Prof Liyu Xu 
            Philippines: Vetiver Network Philippines (VENETPHIL) - Mr. Edwin Balbarino
            Thailand: Thailand Vetiver Network (THVN) - Mrs. Suwanna Pasiri, acting
            Viet Nam: Vetiver Network Viet Nam (VNVN) - Mr. Tran Tan Van

    16 Countries  with no national network but with country representative 
            Australia: Dr. Paul N.V. Truong
            Brunei: CR vacant
            Cambodia: Mr. Kong Thann
            Cook Islands: Mr. Sabati Solomona
            Fiji: Mr.  Jai Gawander
            Indonesia: Mr. David Booth
            Japan: Mr. Tsutomo Fujihara
            Lao PDR: Mr. Boonkong Sengthavon
            Malaysia: Dr. P.K. Yoon
            New Caledonia: Mr. Georges Donskoff
            New Zealand: Mr. Don Miller
            Papua New Guinea: Mr. Rob Shelton
            Samoa: Mr. Walter Vermullen
            Taiwan: Mr. Yue-Wen Wang
            Tonga: Mr. Siosiua Halavatau
            Vanuatu: Mr. Henry Kathecau

    Scientist Members: Those who want to join PRVN can apply directly to the secretariat, giving name, current position, place of work, mailing address, email address, and other information which is deemed necessary.