ICV-4 Papers

E. General Aspects and Basic Studies of Vetiver

     Study on Efficient Regeneration System and Agrobacteriummediated Transformation of Vetiveria zizanioides -- B. Yang, G. Wu, Z. Ma, H. Xia, China.
     Towards Bio-efficient and Non-invasive Vetiver: Lessons from Genomic Manipulation and Chromosomal Characterization -- U. C. Lavania, S. Basu, S. Lavania. India
     Study on AMF in Rhizosphere of Vetiver Grass in F?eld Nursery -- L. Gao, X. Kong, Y. Chen, C. Zhong, Z. Chen, China    
     The Vetiver Agronomic Research Progress in Taiwan for the Pastdecade -- C. Tsai, Y-W. Wang, Taiwan. 
     Study on Mechanisms of Vetiver's Tolerance to Submergence -- X. Hanping, Y. Xiong, C. Peng, X. Xu, China 
     Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides L.) Plant Density Effects on Mother Plants Productivity under Feld Conditions -- N. Fern?ndez, M. Morillo, Venezuela 
     Screening of Vetiver New Variety, Karnataka and its Systematic Application on Highway -- X. Hanping, B. Lin, Z. Ma, China    
     Vetiver in Thailand: General Aspects and Basic Studies -- N. Roongtanakiat, Thailand.
     Observation on Growth Performance of Four Vetiver Varieties Grown under Natural Shade -- C. Suwanthada, J. Panekoksoong, Thailand 
     Preliminary Studies of Vetiver Multiplication from Seeds -- C. Suwanthada, J. Panekoksoong, Thailand 
     Biomass production of Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) using Vermicompost -- P. Lakshmanaperumalsamy, S. Jayashree, J. Rathinamala, India 
     The Leaf Anatomy of a Miracle C4 Grass: Vetiveria zizanioides L. Nash -- M.S. Chaudhry, G. Sarwar, Pakistan    
     Low Cost Micropropagation Of Vetiver Grass -- L. Be, V. Tan, N. Uyen and L. Dung
     Estudio Comparativo Del Vetiver (Vetiveria Zizanioides) Y De Otras Plantas Usadas Como Barreras Vivas En La  Conservacion De Un Suelo En Ladera -- O. Andrade. Universidad Georg-August de G?ttingen; Alemania.
     Informe Preliminar Sobre La Introducción De 10 Ecotipos De Vetiver (Vetiveria Zizanioides  Y Vetiveria Nemoralis ) Introducidos A Venezuela -- J. Páez de Cásares.